Aure-Bot is in public beta, some features may not be fully functional to all servers yet Invite bot ->

Aure-Bot ToS

Thank you for using the Aure-Bot platform and products, services and features we make available to you as part of the platform (collectively, the “Bot”)

Our Bot
The bot allows you to talk to AI characters, translate English to Star Wars™, get Star Wars™ themed inspiration and quotes, Star Wars™ guessing game(s), and other activities

Applicable Terms
Your use of the bot is subject to these terms, the Discord Community Guidelines, Discord Privacy Policy, Discord Copyright and Intellectual Property Guidelines and the Discord General Terms of Service as well as any Terms and Conditions listed in the Inventor Documentation

Who may use the Bot?

Age Requirements
You must be at least 13 years old to use the Bot; however, children of all ages may use the Bot if authorized by a parent or legal guardian

Permission by Parent or Guardian
If you are under 18, you represent that you have your parent or guardian’s permission to use the Bot. Please have them read this Agreement with you.

If you are a parent or legal guardian of a user under the age of 18, by allowing your child to use the Bot, you are subject to the terms of this Agreement and responsible for your child’s activity on and with the Bot. You can find tools and resources to help you manage your family’s experience on Discord (including how to enable a child under the age of 13 to use Discord) in their Parents and Educators Help Center.

If you are using the Bot on behalf of a company or organisation, you represent that you have authority to act on behalf of that entity, and that such entity accepts this Agreement.

Stored data and information

As a policy, we at Aure-Bot only store information that serves a long-term purpose and/or information requested to be stored from guild owners

- We store Usages and how many times a feature has been used, visible through the "/view stats" command
- We store logging channel information (IDs only) so we know where to send translation logs (and other fun features)
- We store welcomer information so we can direct your new members to the right place (configurable through "/setup welcomer")
- We store Quotes and other item sprovided by users to be used across our entire community, giving full credit to whoever came up with it)
- We also track our changelog visible from the "/help" command

Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to common questions about Aure-Bot and our privacy

Can I opt out from message tracking

We don't track messages other than those that directly interact with the bot. When a message is sent that does interact with the bot (AI chat, SW translations, etc) the message is taken, analyzed and performed as it should in accordance with the feature being used. Translation messages are transformed into the language then sent as the language, AI chat message are sent to the AI then back to the user